Crush It! Gary Vaynerchuck (A short read on following your passion no matter what, then taking it and turning it into millions with social media tools - a very getter done book!!!) I am incorporating many of his ideas. Gary turned his father's discount liquor store in New Jersey from a $3 million to a $10 million business using the suggested techniques. What I love the most is his belief that you can be passionate about the most obscure, strange thing and still make money if you are passionate about it.
Keys to Yourself, Venice Bloodworth This book was written in 1952 long before the popular Secret and Law of Attraction books of today. She believes in training your subconscious mind to deliver all that is already yours. She has some very powerful affirmations and ideas that really take me to another level in my belief system and the possibility of making it all happen for myself.
The other 3 books that are not related to passion, living your dreams, training your mind to get what you want that I am reading right now.
Grown Up Digital, Don Tapscott a book about the Net Generation (30 and under) and their positive attributes that are contributing to a massive shift in how we work among other shifts.
Social Media Bible, everything you ever wanted to know on Social Media & Marketing.
The Four Day Win: End Your Diet War and Achieve Thinner Peace, Martha Beck, PhD I'm really fascinated right now with our problem with obesity and being overweight even though we all know what we should be doing - masses of people are unable to win this battle. I believe it is all a subconscious mind problem and so does Martha.
Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change: Joe Tidd and John Bessant I'm wanting to provide Human Capital Consulting Services to organizations and this book is the perfect book for getting my skill set sharpened. Unfortunately its a textbook so very difficult to read.
Following is a list of most of the books I have read that have helped me to stay on the path to Follow My Dream. Let me know if you would like a recommendation for you with where you are in your life right now.
Your Heart’s Desire, Sonia Choquette
Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill
Building Your Field of Dreams, Mary Manin Morrisey
Creating Money, Sanaya Roman
Psychic Pathway, Sonia Choquette
Return to Love, Marianne Williamson:
Alchemist, Coehlo
A Whack on the Side of the Head , Roger von Oech
Wishcraft, Barbara Sher
Reinvention of Work, Matthew Fox
Recovery of Your Inner Child, Lucia Capacchione
Finding Your Perfect Work, Paul and Sarah Edwards
Creating Prosperity, Shakti Gawain
Find Your Calling, Love Your Life, Marth Finney
Do What You Love the Money Will Follow, Marsha Sinetar:
Hope for the Flowers, Trina Paulus
Emperors New Clothes
The Lemonade Stand, Emanuel Modu:
Creating a Life Worth Living, Carol Lloyd
True Work, Justine Willis Toms and Michael Toms:
Crush It, Gary Vaynerchuk
Keys to Your Success, Venice Bloodworth
Law of Attraction, Hicks-Abraham
Orbiting the Giant Hairball, Gordon MacKenzie
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